Sunday, February 28, 2016

Over and Don!

Hello! I see that this has been a forgotten blog. And so it shall remain! I will not be using this blog in the future as I have three others. There is no sense in duplicating information. This was set up to journal the adventures of homeschooling which came to an end over five years ago. The children are doing vey well in their charter school and are a happy to be among friends. So, I shall journal on my other blogs...Charliwrites, 4Squemblysis, and Great Stories 4 Kids! Thanks!

Over and Out!

This blog will not be used any more. The adventures it was created for are over and the blogger has moved on. To see the new adventures, please check out the other blogs by this same blogger: Great Stories 4 Kids, 4squemblysis, and Charliwrites. Thank you. I was fun!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

All Good Things Must Come to an End!

Well, it has been a great adventure! But, alas! All good things must come to an end! I am no longer homeschooling Handsome! He will embark on the great adventure of a Charter School come Monday. And Girlfriend will start official preschool! And I will return to a much-loved career of Activity Director at a nursing home.

I was extremely blessed to have obtained the position I held for almost nine years, in the same company. It is a different facility, right down the street from my house, but the same company and position! I am very excited to begin on Wednesday. It was supposed to be Monday, but with Thanksgiving and all, it changed to Wednesday.

I am already planning out some events and exciting activities. It feels so good to be welcomed back and wanted in the company I worked for so long. Even the CEO came in to welcome me back.

I do feel sad regarding leaving my kids. But, due to the economy, it became necessary for me to find a way to make more, and for my daughter to find a way not to have to pay so much for child care. With our church having a preschool, and the Charter School being free, and this opportunity for me coming up now, it was obviously the right timing to make a move!

I think Handsome will have some difficulty adjusting, but overall will do okay. I think it will be a good opportunity for him to make new friends and experience different teachers' ideas. It will expand his knowledge base. Girlfriend will do fine! She is very social and up to snuff on her preschool stuff. The only thing is that the preschool teaches that what I call a diamond (and all of her books do too) they call a rhombus. That might confuse her a bit. A rhombus really is NOT the same as a diamond, but whatever! They seem to want to advance kids these days!

Well, I probably will not be blogging much on this site. I used it more for everyday (although I transgressed greatly on writing daily) events with the kids. That shall no longer be. I may start one regarding the nursing home adventures, because they will be many.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Change, It Is A-comin'?

Change! That's a word we don't like to hear at times. But sometimes it is necessary. I haven't written in this blog for awhile for various reasons. I am going to abandon this blog for a season. I will try to return in the near future to post the promised pix...I truly cannot find the attachments for doing so...but after that, I will not be blogging on THIS site for some time. At least, that is my plan. There are changes occurring with what I am doing with Handsome, and the other kids, the details of which are too uncertan at this timeto share here. I am still homeschooling right now just as before. But, sometimes, God wants us to explore ideas and try different shall see what that means.

I honestly do not know what lies ahead. For now, all is the same. Did you ever get a feeling that change is coming, yet you weren't quite sure what it was? If so, then you know where I'm coming from! In the end, nothing may change very much...OR everything could change a LOT! At this point, there is a feeling in my heart...a sensing of a different direction, not because of anything bad, just because...

So, I will let you know when whatever is going to happen happens. I will inform you when the actual changes occur...if they do! And, if they don't, then I will resume this blog as before, with more attention and frequency...but probably not until the Holidays are over anyway.

I am starting a new blog, however, for the sake of sharing some of the stories I have written for, and with, my grandchildren, and children, over the years!

The new blog will have a new story on it AT LEAST weekly. It is my goal to eventually post one a day during the weekdays...we shall see.

You can find the new one at I hope you enjoy it and find the stories valuable (or at least entertaining). Some of them teach life-lessons, or educational lessons, and some are just silly and fun! Enjoy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Where has all the time gone?

Wow! We have finished a quarter of the school year already! Just can't be true! Handsome and I have harvested watermelon, planted corn and pumpkins, learned about bees, moths, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators of the flora of this land. We have observed seeds, in various settings, sprout and have enjoyed caring for the many plants and animals so far this year.

We have anew student in the school. Her name is Roxie. She is a labador/dalmatian mix and an absolute great student. She sits, lies down, stays, etc. on command. She should be the teacher...the kids could learn from her! ha, ha!

I know I keep saying I am posting pix, but I really WILL get to it this week and will email the followers that they are up! My hubby thinks he knows where the cable is now for the camera to computer!

Change is in the air! Fall is here and we are trying some new things as well. Please return to this blog for further update as it unfolds...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Back in the Swing Again

I guess I could entitle this "Back in the Saddle" again, but with homeschooling there is definitely more swinging than saddling. Although, I suppose, if you use the word "saddling" to mean "trying to change the rules" then there could be a toss-up.

Hunky is in first grade now and goes to a local school. Girlfriend is excited to do her "school time" on a daily basis. She has her colors down now, and is working on her shapes. She gets about half of them right. "Rectangle" seems to be a bit of a hard word for her, so she looks up at me with big pleading eyes and says "I think its a tangle. What is it?" She does however, seem to get "triangle" right. Hmmm...
She enjoys joining Handsome in some of his science, history, and fine arts. I try to have learning centers each day of things that she cannot play with other than at times Handsome is in school. That way, they stay exciting and anticipated. Most days it works. Some days it doesn't.

Handsome is studying Botany for his main Science topic this year. He has a garden already planted that is growing watermelon. His pumpkin patch just sprouted. And we plant the autumn corn this week. We have herbs growing inside in a light hut we made as a project. Although we no longer have the saltwater aquarium, we do still have gold fish and they are growing contentedly in their bowls, in spite of the predictions of the store where they were purchased.

Next Tuesday we go to the Science Center for a class on Magnetisim. Hopefully we will have a great time and meet up with some of the kids from last year's classes.

Handsome's only truly "new" class is computer keyboarding. He liked it the first week, but not the second, so we shall see where that ends up on his enjoyment list.

We are officially doing music and art twice a week and the computers only once. And we rotate history, geography, and health as well. All other topics are daily. Third grade is quite a challenge! So far, though, we BOTH like it a lot!